
Examples for

Step-by-Step Chemistry

See how to solve chemistry problems step by step across all levels of the curriculum, from middle school to college. Topical coverage spans analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry and biochemistry subdivisions. Use Wolfram|Alpha to solve and truly understand chemistry at an atomic and molecular level.

Chemical Conversions

Convert chemical quantities to other chemical units.

Follow the steps for unit conversion:

Quantum Chemistry

Compute properties arising from the quantum nature of chemicals.

Assemble a ground-state orbital diagram:

Compute the energy of a photon from its wavelength:

Find the wavelength of a photon from a CO2(g) laser:

Compute the de Broglie wavelength:


Construct the steps to solve chemical equilibrium equations for chemical reactions.

Learn to build an equilibrium constant:

Assemble a reaction quotient:


Compute the properties of chemicals in the gas phase step by step.

Calculate molar properties for gases:

Determine the amount of a gas:

Find the volume of a gas:


Explore the properties of atoms step by step.

Calculate the atomic mass:

Count the number of valence electrons:

Build the nuclide symbol:

Find the neutron number:


Explore the properties of molecules.

Calculate molecular mass:

Compute the elemental composition of molecules:

Count the total number of particles:


Build chemical kinetic equations step by step.

Construct the reaction rate expression:

Build the rate-of-conversion expression:

Chemical Solutions

Analyze the properties of chemical solutions.

Compute the molarity of a solution step by step:

Prepare a dilute solution step by step:

Compute the boiling point elevation for a solution:

Convert between density and concentration for a single-component solution:

Titrate a strong acid or base:

Prepare chemical solutions step by step:

More examples


  • Chemical Quantities
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Cheminformatics
  • Chemistry
  • Molecules
  • Chemical Reactions

    Analyze chemical reactions step by step.

    Learn how to balance a chemical reaction:

    Find the required amount of reactants:

    Determine the theoretical yield:

    Compute the percent yield:

    Compute total ionic equations:

    Determine net ionic equations:

    Find the spectator ions:

    Structure & Bonding

    Investigate the structure and bonding properties of individual molecules.

    Get a step-by-step procedure to draw the Lewis structures of molecules:

    Compute oxidation states of chemicals:

    Determine orbital hybridization one step at a time:

    Use Hückel's rule to determine aromaticity:


    Investigate the thermochemical properties of compounds step by step.

    Compute the change in internal energy:

    Compute the heat capacity ratio:

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