Examples for

Matrix Decompositions

Matrix decompositions are a collection of specific transformations or factorizations of matrices into a specific desired form. Examples of matrix decompositions that Wolfram|Alpha can compute include diagonalization, Jordan, LU, QR, singular value, Cholesky, Hessenberg and Schur decompositions.


Explore diagonalizations, including unitary and orthogonal diagonalizations, of a square matrix.

Diagonalize a matrix:

Compute an orthogonal diagonalization of a real symmetric matrix:

Calculate a unitary diagonalization of a normal matrix:

LU Decomposition

Decompose a matrix into the product of a lower-triangular matrix and an upper-triangular matrix.

Compute the LU decomposition of a matrix:

Cholesky Decomposition

Decompose a positive definite Hermitian matrix into the product of a lower-triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose.

Find the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix:

Jordan Decomposition

Find the Jordan canonical form of a square matrix.

Compute a Jordan decomposition:

QR Decomposition

Decompose a matrix into the product of a unitary matrix and an upper-triangular matrix.

Compute the QR decomposition of a matrix:

Hessenberg Decomposition

Factor a matrix into the product of a unitary matrix, a Hessenberg matrix with zero entries below the second diagonal and the inverse of the unitary matrix.

Compute a Hessenberg decomposition:


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  • Derivatives
  • Geometric Transformations
  • Singular Value Decomposition

    Decompose a matrix into the product of a unitary matrix, a diagonal matrix (of singular values) and another unitary matrix.

    Compute a singular value decomposition (SVD):

    Schur Decomposition

    Decompose a square matrix into the product of an upper-triangular matrix and an orthogonal or unitary matrix.

    Compute a Schur decomposition: